About Dr Ivana Matic-Stancin
About Dr Ivana Matic-Stancin
Dr Ivana Matic-Stancin is a Melbourne-based medical doctor (GP) with over 25 years of clinical medical experience working with people of all ages, from various socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, and suffering from different medical conditions.
Dr. Ivana believes in implementing a comprehensive, whole-person approach. By addressing the physical and psychosocial aspects of the individual, she no longer focuses only on their particular diagnosis but on the whole person in their environment. Ivana believes that is the way towards health and flourishment. That belief is rooted in the philosophy of Lifestyle Medicine, Positive Psychology, and Health Coaching.
She is passionate about women’s health, particularly healthy aging during the perimenopausal transition. Her predominant focus is on Perimenopausal Health. Women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s often experience many symptoms and health challenges due to hormonal changes. Those changes usually go unrecognised, unconnected, and even dismissed. That can leave women feeling unseen, ignored, ashamed, not “normal,” and lonely.
Only when we take a whole-person approach can we recognise the enormous impact that hormonal fluctuation in those years has had on our health and well-being. We can start seeing the solution once we factor the hormonal change into the picture.
Ivana truly believes that the perimenopausal stage of life can be a springboard towards health and flourishment.
Ivana enjoys helping women transition towards a healthy and enjoyable life.
Ivana offers three services:
1/ Clinical Medical comprehensive one-on-one 60-minute consultation in her GP Clinic in Braybrook, Victoria. (Contact Maxwell Medical Group for the appointment.)
2/CBT(Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) is a six-week in-person course in a small group setting in the clinic. (Contact Maxwell Medical Group for information and the waiting list.)
3/ Online services: Individual Lifestyle Health Coaching/Therapy and Small Group CBT mini-course.
Book a free initial consultation here: https://www.doctorivana.com.au/bookings to discover what service suits your needs.
Ivana is a fluent English, Serbian, and Croatian speaker.
"Navigating Peri/Menopause is much more than the decision to take MHT(HRT) or not.”
- Dr Ivana Matic-Stancin
Why choose to work with Dr Ivana?
1. Expertise & Experience
Dr. Ivana has over 25 years of experience working with people of all ages, backgrounds, and medical conditions. She now focuses all her accumulated knowledge and experience on Peri-Menopause Health.
Women in the Perimenopausal and Menopausal stages of their lives are most open to reviewing and changing their lifestyle habits based on current scientific knowledge and a safe, trusting relationship with their chosen health professionals. They are the pillars of all societies, and they understand that, depending on their health and well-being, everyone else’s health is built upon. Let’s turn the wheel of everyone’s health together!
2. Free Discovery Call
Begin with a free, 30-minute discovery call with Dr. Ivana to learn about three services she offers:
1/Individual consultations in the clinic,
2/CBT(cognitive-behaviour therapy) small group courses,
3/ Individual online consultations.
The first two are in her clinic in Braybrouk, Melbourne, and the third is through the DoctorIvana online clinic.
Or, learn about current medical evidence-based knowledge of the Physiology of Perimenopause and the pillars of health through prerecorded webinars.
Ivana does not give medical advice during the free discovery call.
3. Professional Affiliations
RACGP-Member of The Australian GP College
FASLM-Fellow of the Australian Lifestyle Medical Association
HCANZA -Member of Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association
AMS-Member of the Australian Menopause Society
BMS-Member of the British Menopause Society.
4. Convenient Online Consultation
Engaging with you through video online consultation sessions in the safety and convenience of your space, Dr Ivana connects with you using the latest, simple and safe video telehealth technology to offer a modern model of medical care. In today’s fast world, the convenience of online consultation has been proven effective and preferred by many women.
5. Lifestyle Learning
Dr Ivana offers a holistic approach to your health, which is a central aspect of her medical approach. She helps you understand hormonal perimenopause physiology, the correlation between your symptoms and those physiological changes, and the influences of daily lifestyle habits on your health as you transition through perimenopause.
6. Health Coaching
Through health coaching, you will discover your potential for changing your lifestyle habits. When working with Ivana in this online space, you will be given the time and space rarely possible in the clinical setting. You can start deep reflection safely. This will lead to deeper self-awareness, new insights, and better-articulated health plans.