CBT In-Clinic Group Program


CBT In-Clinic Group Program for Perimenopause Symptoms

The step-by-step group program is for perimenopausal women who want to understand their hormonal changes and who want to learn how to transition smoother and with less confusion and fear to the next chapter of their lives using the evidence-based CBT model endorsed by the British Menopause Society.

Who is the ‘CBT In-Clinic Group Program’ suitable for?

  • You feel stuck in this life transition but do not know how to change.

  • You want to understand how Menopause affects your body and mind and what you can do.

  • You want to improve the course of your health.

  • You are ready to make meaningful lifestyle changes toward better health and wellness and no longer want to be held back by your physical and mental health concerns or potentially harmful life habits.

  • You want to collaborate with a healthcare professional to provide accountability, knowledge and support to keep you on track toward better health & wellness.

  • If you want to see and hear other women of similar age going through peri/menopausal transition and be part of the working group.

  • You seek a better understanding of your hormonal health

  • You are ready to focus on You and your health.

The ‘CBT In-Clinic Group Program’ is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a one-size-fits-all approach and a simple how-to manual.

  • You want a quick fix, a magic pill, or a super-fast new diet.

  • You are unwilling to invest some time between sessions reviewing and trying what is covered in the course.

  • If you don't feel comfortable in a group setting.

  • You are not willing to review and make any changes to your current lifestyle habits.

  • You are unwilling to invest your time, energy, curiosity, and creativity in this process. (Remember—it takes time and effort to build anything meaningful.)

Ready to book?  

Book below for the ‘CBT Program Package’ with Dr Ivana using Halaxy below:

Everyone can benefit from learning about their body symptoms and cognitive behavioural model. This program is for you if you want to understand your symptoms and how to harness them while experiencing perimenopausal transition.