Positive Medicine to Perimenopausal Health
Understanding Perimenopause
Perimenopause is a significant phase in a woman's life that spans about ten years or longer. During this period, her body undergoes a transformation, shifting from regular hormonal patterns to irregular fluctuations and an overall reduction in hormone levels. Hormones in the body continually interact, and when some change their patterns, others become more or less active to maintain balance. In a woman's 40s and 50s, this transition is a natural part of her journey into the third stage of life. Understanding and addressing this natural transition through lifestyle adjustments can lead women toward healthy aging and joyful life.
Challenges of Perimenopause
However, this phase can be challenging, and it is often unwelcome when unexpected or not well-understood. Many women in their 40s lack knowledge about this natural hormonal transition, leading them to deny, fight, or numb the accompanying physical and emotional discomfort. To cope with these feelings, women often develop short-term behavioural strategies like overeating, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, working long hours, staying busy, binge-watching TV or social media scrolling, or overly intense exercise regimens. These are the most often used coping mechanisms, but the possibilities are broader. These coping mechanisms are only effective in the short run and often backfire. Western societies, known for pressuring women to conform to beauty, youth and efficacy standards, contribute to this phenomenon.
As a result, women in the Western world tend to experience more severe and prolonged perimenopausal symptoms compared to women in some other parts of the world.
Empowering Women through Understanding
Understanding women's physiology is the first step in addressing this issue and empowering women to navigate perimenopause successfully. By better understanding our bodies, we can become more motivated to make necessary lifestyle changes to alleviate symptoms and embark on a path to healthier and happier aging.
Symptoms as Signals
It's crucial to recognise that perimenopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, and the symptoms it brings are the body's way of signalling a need for action. How we respond to these signals is primarily within our control.
Hormonal Changes and Normalcy
Perimenopausal symptoms can vary in intensity due to the changing hormonal environment in the body. This change is a normal aspect of female physiology and should not be considered a medical condition.
Positive Medicine Approach
Positive Medicine is a holistic approach acknowledging the body's potential to return to a healthy, balanced state of health. It promotes a growth mindset supported by scientific, evidence-based medical knowledge, which research indicates can improve health outcomes. (Reference 4)
Mindset and Health Outcomes
Adopting an open and curious mindset empowers individuals to connect with their bodies, make informed choices, and take necessary actions. Emotional awareness is the first step in navigating perimenopause. It involves observing body sensations and the accompanying emotions, which often lie beneath the surface of conscious thought. This approach aligns with principles from Cognitive Behavioural Theory (CBT) therapies. (Reference 2)
Being in Tune with Your Body
Being in tune with your body is essential during perimenopause, as the body sends strong signals. Mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, yoga, focusing on the five senses, and other techniques can help individuals become more attuned to their bodies. (References 5 and 6)
Identifying Health Risk Factors
Entering perimenopause with unhealthy habits, accumulated stress, and unresolved trauma can increase the likelihood of experiencing more severe symptoms. However, interpreting the body's signals and making lifestyle adjustments can mitigate these risks. Lifestyle Medicine programs, as advocated by Dr. Gerry Egger, provide guidance on lifestyle adjustments. (Reference 7)
Lifestyle Adjustments for Health and Happiness
As we embrace a positive medicine approach to perimenopausal health, essential steps include slowing down, paying attention to the body, emotions, and thoughts, understanding the changes during perimenopause, and distinguishing between what can and cannot be controlled.
Embracing the Third Stage of Life
The third stage of life begins after the last menstrual period and can last for 30 to 40 years. Contrary to the misconception that old age is solely characterised by decline and suffering, this stage can be a time of maturity, wisdom, compassion, and joy. We have an opportunity to turn perimenopausal signals into lifestyle adjustments towards health and away from the disease. (Reference 8)
Hope is not naive optimism but informed realism
Positive Medicine is not about naive optimism but informed realism. It involves slowing down, listening, understanding, and regaining control over our actions and behaviours. Perimenopause presents a unique opportunity to make necessary adjustments that go beyond the binary choice of hormone replacement therapy or not. It's a chance to choose a healthy and happy aging path that aligns with our values and goals. (Reference 3)
My favourite proverb is “ Every crisis is a dangerous opportunity.”
1. Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Perimenopause.
2. CBT for hot flushes: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28643612/
3. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/basics/menopause
4. Carol Dweck Mindsets: A view from two eras
5. Dr. Arielle Schwartz. (n.d.).
6. Dr. Dan Siegel. (n.d.). (https://drdansiegel.com/wheel-of-awareness/
7. Lifestyle Medicine: Program by Dr. Gerry Egger https://lifestylemedicine.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Lifestyle-related-determinants-of-chronic-disease-Prof-Garry-Egger.pdf
8. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-gravity-weight/202202/the-turmoil-menopause